Boomer humor

By Anonymous - 25/11/2010 02:49 - United States

Today, I celebrated my birthday. When asked last week, I said I wanted a keyboard. When I opened the present, my parents went into hysterics. It was an electronic Dora the Explorer keyboard. I've been studying music composition and theory for six years. They think my major's a joke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 879
You deserved it 6 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

piepieburger 0

I'd just yell "f**k you!" and then frisbee throw it at their faces.

chelle_starlight 0

aww...sorry to that hear that, op...but that's what Black Friday is all about...time for a keyboard redemption...


apv12 0

it is a joke +1 for ur parents go get a real job

Blacksmokehick 0

it is...learn something that will get you a job


shut the **** up, you can get so many jobs with that

epic_phail 0

your degree Is a huge joke. you've been in school 6 yrs have you even begun to think what you could possibly do with that degree in the real world? or is that why your a career student. YDI now grow up and do something with meaning. have music as your minor if you insist on being pointless.

why have you spent 6 yrs on a 4 yr major?

In all honesty, I still use my Muppet keyboard that I got when I was 4 years old - it's a lot easier to use it when I'm curled up on the couch than my big one (and it's easier to write songs in a comfortable position). Yeah, your parents are mean - it doesn't mean you can't make use of a toy keyboard.

TropicalTulipz 0

why not just take the joke they obviously r kidding :)

probably because your major is a joke I went to school 6 years and got an MBA your studying jobless living with your parents

So you dropped out of school before junior high. And you got a master's degree. I call shenanigans, good sir.

Sinkhole 26

To be fair, him dropping out before junior high explains his bad grammar, so at least that part is true!

seriously, get a real major or get a real job.