Boomer humor

By Anonymous - 25/11/2010 02:49 - United States

Today, I celebrated my birthday. When asked last week, I said I wanted a keyboard. When I opened the present, my parents went into hysterics. It was an electronic Dora the Explorer keyboard. I've been studying music composition and theory for six years. They think my major's a joke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 879
You deserved it 6 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

piepieburger 0

I'd just yell "f**k you!" and then frisbee throw it at their faces.

chelle_starlight 0

aww...sorry to that hear that, op...but that's what Black Friday is all about...time for a keyboard redemption...


1) "Music Theory & Composition" *is* a joke of a major. There are absolutely zero job opportunities awaiting you. 2) You've been studying for 6 years now? And that's not an indication to you that your major is a joke? 3) Rather than complaining about your parents' gag gift, how about you get on your hands and knees and kiss your parents' feet for supporting your 6 years in college?

ladyvader401 5

mritty, how do you know the OP's parents have been supporting her through college? My parents didn't give me a dime towards my education, but they still bought me birthday presents. And also, we don't know that the OP's been in college for 6 years. We just know she's been studying music theory and composition for that long.

fyl. seriously though, your major is kind of a joke.

I'm looking to sell a keyboard-A MUSICAL ONE, if your interested. 70-80 bucks :)

Your pathetic 1) You've been in college for 6 years, and you can't afford a keyboard? At some point during those years you couldn't put away 150$ for one? I'm just a kid and I was still able to afford a 2100$ without help of my parents. 2) You actually think your major isn't a joke, HA! I'm a musician too, but you don't see me wasting my time at college learning shit I can learn once a week at any music store. Not to mention its taken you 6 years so far. What? you going for your PhD? Congrats, you'll be a doctor of music.

You're pathetic for using the wrong "your". Also, the dollar sign goes before the number. I don't know why, and it's kind of dumb, but it's correct. So do it right.

Going to college for music? That is a joke.

don't worry, you get to chow their nursing home.

OMG! Almost 87% of these comments are stating that OP's major is a joke. I have never seen so much asininity in an anecdote as a reader on this site. o_o; They have NO IDEA how hard studying music in college can be when they think it's very simple. Well guess what? IT'S NOT! I know few of my friends in college who are studying OP's said major and they said it is very challenging and difficult. You have to listen to A LOT of recorded music, identify music chords through sight reading, Learn to recognize hundreds (possibly thousands) of music pieces by ear, Speak and write about different kinds of music intelligently, Spend long hours practicing your instrument and rehearsing, AND Learn how to use computer applications to write down music. Yes. It's THAT HARD. Don't EVER say that Music Theory and Composition is joke major when it takes a very long time Mastering Music and its theory. Everyone that says OP's major is a joke should be in her shoes and see what it's like study in her major. Having a musical talent is one thing, BUT it takes a lot of training and education to acknowledge music Professionally. P.S. It's not easy making music on an expert level. It may look very easy, but it takes more than just practice to make a great song and/or album.

Anaxes 5

You waste all that effort on such a pointless topic? What a joke.