Beat it

By Morrowindwhore - 10/08/2009 22:22 - United Kingdom

Today, a friend of mine was talking about how he'd spent over 30 hours on Call of Duty. I piped up and said "Oh yeah! Well I've spent well over 300 hours on Morrowind! Beat that!" To which he replied, "I've had sex. Beat that!" I couldn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 934
You deserved it 68 008

Same thing different taste

Top comments


30 days = 720 hours. 720 > 300 hours. your friend played more than you and had sex. you have failed. Feel free to email me for more math-made-easy. [email protected] :)

star_ver 0

You have failed basic reading. It says 30 hours, not 30 days, moron. So math made easy for you: 300 hours > 30 hours. It's pretty easy when you actually read.

he was referring to comment #41, someone who logged 30 Days worth of playing time... math was correct

Kiwi_Splash 0

Would you like some ice to that burn?

in response to my own comment, i misread that fml thinking ur friend had said 30 days rather than hours. my bad :( by the way..why is it so hard to get that daedric longbow or whatever? i got one mad easy in oblivion..

It's probably because there's no level scaling in Morrowind. In Morrowind, if you want an artifact, you gotta look until you find it, in Oblivion, you powerlevel for 5 minutes, go to the nearest oblivion gate, and get instant daedric, glass, and ebony weapons, coupled with hard-to-find ingredients, scrolls, potions and the like, and a Sigil Stone to boot. I remember in Morrowind, if you wanted an enchantment, you had to deal with an expensive-yet-usually-crappy default enchanted item, find loads of cash to buy a good soulgem and then pay gobs of cash to an enchanter to make one for you, use the soultrap glitch for perma-spells, or risk losing your soulgem and a shit-load of confidence by trying to make your own with the enchant skill. Speaking of which, did anyone ever have Enchant as one of their major or minor skills?

Yeah well, *I've* had sex for over 300 hours. So there. Internets is closed.

I've had sex for the past two years, Morrowind still wins.

doggie3 0

And why is everyone having sex before their married? I don't think it's right. And I'm not a prude.

you got owned, and yeah oblivion is good but not as good as cod4

Tippssy 0

I have a save file on Pokemon Diamond of over 550 hours that I started in November 2008 while in college. Also while in college, my girlfriend and I had sex about 10 times a week. Beat that.