Beat it

By Morrowindwhore - 10/08/2009 22:22 - United Kingdom

Today, a friend of mine was talking about how he'd spent over 30 hours on Call of Duty. I piped up and said "Oh yeah! Well I've spent well over 300 hours on Morrowind! Beat that!" To which he replied, "I've had sex. Beat that!" I couldn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 936
You deserved it 68 010

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I've got 30 on each COD and 500 on MW, and I've had sex. I'd respect the man that had spent his spare time doing something other than videogames. Be glad you did something worth while with the time he spent slaying rats and collecting glass daggers. Too bad I can't say the same.

I've put in probably 50+ hours on Cod 1-3, about 150 on 4, and about 100 on 5, plus another 300ish on Morrowind, and have had sex, BEAT THAT!

DaddyzgURL_109 0

That sux fo you hahahaha do us all a favor and get laid

How would that be doing any of us a favor?

I guess that yields this formula: Getting laid= Number of hrs spent time playing^-2

open_book 0

wasting that much time on a video game is nothing to brag about...

gmoney423 0

300 hours in morrowind is nothing to be ashamed of. you may have played through half of its total content by now.

you should have replied, "My dick, beat that." :)

doberhound 0

Fail, you should have said "I had sex with a girl." He never specified.

Magic_and_Sword 0

I commend you on your 300 hours of play time! Morrowind is the best. Not sure how many hours I've played, but I know it's a lot. I think I'm going to go play Morrowind now...

Oh totally, man. Morrowind has eaten up more hours of my life than I can count, and at least half of those hours are from modding it. And fangirling over Aryon. And trying to mod him into a love interest for the female PC. And writing fan fiction about how my character is in such a terribly messy love triangle... uh, FML, honestly.

Magic_and_Sword 0

Hey, are you the same person who is writing The Witch and the Ashlander? And who also made that lovely fanart of Julan with the clannfears?