Bad aim

By goldengirl - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my doctor asked for a urine sample. It's the first time I've tried to cup my own pee. Despite the fact that I'm a woman, I managed to aim wrong, and sprayed the floor, hit the door and my handbag with my own pee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 644
You deserved it 17 020

Top comments

And you laugh at us guys, wee can aim :)

RedPillSucks 31

What does being a woman have to do with this? Peeing in a cup may not be rocket science, but it's not easy when you can't aim. Next time, try peeing over/in the toilet and just place the cup in the stream.


Um... You know you're supposed to do that over a toilet, right? Not just like, pop a squat in the middle of the room.... What the hell is wrong with you???

icantellu 7

they should have cups stuck on the floor and wall to catch your stray pee when situations like this happen (:

Must resist sexist conment!!!!!!! o.O

You are HOW old and this is your first time peeing in a cup? Strange.

Um...what's wrong with you? I'm a girl and when I was nine I got it all in the cup. I don't want to be grouped in with women if none of them can pee in a cup. Call me Joe from now on.

Sam_I_Am36 0

Haha you could have easily done it over the toilet... Instead you decided to destroy the doctors b room

life2007 0

I have this mastered Ive had more UTIs than I can count. You sit on the toliet take your little cup go front ways so you can see and stick the cup under your pissing hole and start peeing no way you can miss. You are an epic fail all your own.

As I read this, I imagined OP as a water balloon, flying around, violently spraying an uncontrollable stream of pee everywhere. Then, when the ordeal is all over, and she falls harmlessly to the ground, she notices not a single drop has fallen into the cup. Yeah, I have an interesting imagination.

That's a great idea for the illustrated version of this FML!!!!