Bad aim

By goldengirl - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my doctor asked for a urine sample. It's the first time I've tried to cup my own pee. Despite the fact that I'm a woman, I managed to aim wrong, and sprayed the floor, hit the door and my handbag with my own pee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 646
You deserved it 17 021

Top comments

And you laugh at us guys, wee can aim :)

RedPillSucks 31

What does being a woman have to do with this? Peeing in a cup may not be rocket science, but it's not easy when you can't aim. Next time, try peeing over/in the toilet and just place the cup in the stream.


Don't feel bad. The first time I had to, didn't have any idea what the hell I was doing so I pissed in the toilet and used the cup to scoop some of the water and piss out.

peterblack67 9

Welcome to our world! The struggle is real.

mccuish 25

This is what you guy for laughing at guys who can’t aim