Bad aim

By goldengirl - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my doctor asked for a urine sample. It's the first time I've tried to cup my own pee. Despite the fact that I'm a woman, I managed to aim wrong, and sprayed the floor, hit the door and my handbag with my own pee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 644
You deserved it 17 020

Top comments

And you laugh at us guys, wee can aim :)

RedPillSucks 31

What does being a woman have to do with this? Peeing in a cup may not be rocket science, but it's not easy when you can't aim. Next time, try peeing over/in the toilet and just place the cup in the stream.


mnohoe 9

At least it was your own peepee. Imagine walking around with some complete strangers piss all over your shit. NASTY! -ER

I'm sorry, but "Despite the fact that I'm a woman"? Is that there to imply that men aim bad... well, I don't... even while standing! HA! - oh wait, that's normal?

niokichan 0

Are you that blonde? Most people should know to pee in a cup while on the toilet...especially us girls

Maritza345 0

Wow lol I did that when I was 5. But now I just sit not the toilet and pee in the cup while I hold it.

bloodypanda 0

do you have a penis????!! O.o!!!

FTW? You are talented OP. Worst I ever did was pee on my own hand and yes that was the first time. Hasn't happened since. Lol, silly OP you gotta sit on the toilet then pee in the cup :).

sunny532 2

We do understand tht girls dont have a pointing tool.