
By bitches. - 15/06/2009 00:39 - United States

Today, I was walking by a bunch of pretty girls. I'm not the most attractive boy, so I walked by nervously. I heard one yell, "Hey cutie!" I turned to look, and they started laughing. She said, "Oh my god, sorry! I assumed you were cute from your butt!" Apparently, my ass is nicer than my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 461
You deserved it 3 446

Same thing different taste

Top comments

EvenIfItKillsMe 0

awh. People can be so mean.

You sound like a sweety, though. At least your ass is nice?


Lisimal 7

I like your usename. But anyways, let them laugh it off today because tomorrow they're gonna end up being old, loose prostitutes with a bunch of kids. You'll have the last me.

shyt their ****** assholes! dw karmas a bitch:)

Shizden 0

Get a boyfriend and all he'll see is your ass. :D

BTW, #10 is comment of the year! LMAO!

Hey! It's good to have cute butt. :D

justxdream 0

I'm a girl, and to be completely honest (I HATE GIRLS)

Yeah, #32, I'm sure you're God's gift to something. Somewhere. It must really suck being so effing beautiful. Try not to put a gun in your mouth when your overwhelming beauty starts to fail on you in a few years and the hordes of people aren't screaming your name because they just can't turn away from your good looks. What a shallow, pathetic waste of skin.

squintgotflow 0

Aww, how shallow! That's extremely pathetic, and those girls are superficial bitches. They deserve to get slapped.

epic_delight1337 0

people do this all the time whether you look good or not. its just the fact that you're a stranger. and number 10, how does he deserve it for thinking hes cute? in the second sentence, he says "im not the most attractive boy"