
By bitches. - 15/06/2009 00:39 - United States

Today, I was walking by a bunch of pretty girls. I'm not the most attractive boy, so I walked by nervously. I heard one yell, "Hey cutie!" I turned to look, and they started laughing. She said, "Oh my god, sorry! I assumed you were cute from your butt!" Apparently, my ass is nicer than my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 459
You deserved it 3 446

Same thing different taste

Top comments

EvenIfItKillsMe 0

awh. People can be so mean.

You sound like a sweety, though. At least your ass is nice?


When I was a kid, my mom told me to NEVER look around if someone wolf-whistled or yelled a remark like that. "If it isn't for you, you'll just embarass yourself. If it is for you, anyone worth having will chase you." Be glad you've at least got a cute ass :))

Thisnametaken 0

I can tell you from experience that looks fade. A good personality is more attractive than anything. I've been married for 14 years so I think I've got it right. :-)

curryndricegirll 0

At least now you know that you have a nice butt. Anyway, a compliment from girls like those wouldn't have been worth anything anyway.

I totally agree with #7. and you sound nice :)

I_Love_Isms 0

Oh, 32... There is so much I want to say to you, but I'm sure you're too much of an ignorant a** to understand any of it. Too bad you'll just never understand how ridiculous you are. The people you mention ARE "normal," and sadly, so is your breed of people. There are too many of you making the rest of us "normal" people constantly roll our eyes and wonder about the evolution of humans.

nice asses are always a plus! they sound like bitches. Don't listen to 'em ha.

They're bitches. But I know how much that can suck :-(.