Are you my new mommy?

By Anonymous - 05/02/2010 21:07 - United States

Today, I was anxiously waiting for the guy I had a crush on to pick me up for our first date. He shows up with his son, whom I never knew about, and takes us to Chuck E. Cheese. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 854
You deserved it 5 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

is that really a problem? better know now then later

BadPinkKitty07 0

I really can't think of anything more romantic than soggy pizza and a man in a sweaty mouse costume. the hyper kids and vomit hidden in the strangest places in the play place is just a plus.


Judging by her using the term "crush" my guess is that she's in highschool or early college. In either case, I would guess at that age, you certainly wouldn't want or expect your date to have children. However, this can be viewed as positive or negative. I mean he let you see his child, which either means he really likes you and trust you; or he's a complete douche unable to know when to introduce a potential "mommy" later in the relationship.

That must have been a very fun and exciting date!

did you really need to use proceeded? just sayin.

pinkyluvs8 0

there is nothing wrong with chuckie cheese i'm 15 years old and me and my boyfriend went with my best friend last week haha

At least he told you the first date. Plus, maybe he assumed you knew. Chuck E. Cheese would be fun, I think. Guys with kids can be a lot more responsible. He probably wanted to see how you felt about it, too, or whether you could be ok with it. It's a kid, not a gang friend from when he was in jail.

viper63 0

at least some one goes to chuckie e cheese lucky

Bdub87 0

Your mad because from the very first date the guy was honest with you? Would you have rather him take you on a cliche dinner and a movie date, then spring the kid on you a few months down the road? Don't rule him out just because he has a kid, otherwise as you get older you will miss out on a lot of great guys. Plus just because you are an adult doesn't mean you can't have fun at chuck e cheese, you can get drunk and have fun playing the games. Hell one of my friends had his 21st birthday there, it was more of a joke but we had a blast, sometimes it's fun to cut loose and act like kid again. Maybe if you would be more open minded, see the guy for who he is, not just as some guy who has a kid, and enjoy being a kid again while being able to drink you may realize he was a great guy and actually had a lot of fun. I'm assuming you are barely an adult though and think it's embarrassing to be somewhere like chuck e cheese. I know this sounds ironic but your the one who needs to grow up.

Why did you still go on the date? Are you serious?