Admit it

By aces10 - 25/01/2009 13:52 - United States

Today, I was talking to my mom about my younger brother getting his girlfriend pregnant. She asked me how old I was when I first had sex. I'm a 21 year-old virgin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 261
You deserved it 5 602

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No shame there. =p I'm 18 (almost 19 this year) old virgin. I'm female. Don't know why but I don't normally meet guys who find this quality very appealing about a girl... weird.

aimee0027 17

Being a virgin shouldn't be seen as a bad thing. There's no shame in it.


MukyDaCookie 0

Well you still have 18 good years before you can have a movie made about yourself.

aoife123 0

Almost an 18- year old male virgin. Still waiting til marriage for another virgin. Will never marry a person I don't get along with or who isn't a virgin.

zomohobo 0

Good for you. It's rare to find that quality nowadays

iamwilson12 4

You won't marry someone if they're not a virgin..? Even if you love everything else about her..? That's kinda harsh in my opinion. She could've made a bad mistake, had really low self-esteem and a manipulative guy came along... A lot of girls even lose their virginity from being raped.. Just saying.

i respect you so much!!!! i'm 16. virgin. i'm hoping to be like you.

well, if you're a chick, I can solve your "21-year-old-virgin" problem.

I'm 18, and have never kissed, nor had a boyfriend, let alone have sex. I don't see why it's a big deal, except that your bro is going to be a daddy as a teen. f HIS life.

zomohobo 0

I wish more people thought like you

SirAlan 0

I'm 21 virgin and it wont be changing any time soon! Big deal man! U cnt choose ur life, ur life chooses U! - to an extent!

I'm a 21 year old virgin and my 17 year old brother has had a girlfriend for the past 6 months, and has had sex many a time. I've been rejected by every single girl that I've ever liked and I'm scared that I'll die alone. =( (and for the record, I couldn't laugh at 'The 40 year old virgin' at all because I was thinking about how I might end up like that...)

LOL not to rub it in your face, but I'm 14 and had sex already. I also fingered her.

Yuuki_chan_fml 0

Wow, we're all so jealous. Thanks for sharing? Kinda uneccesary though xD

brit8741 0

Bahahahah. And I'm sure you will have many attractive STD's soon. 16 year old virgin and I'm staying that way until I get married. it's a big deal, and there are sooo many ways you can screw up your life by having sex when you're a teenager.

That's gross. And at 14 too.... What a shame

dixiefoxx 22

Ugh. Gross. When I was 14, I didn't think of having sex that much, and the closest thing to having sex was having a boyfriend.

Number forty that's ****** up... Not marrying someone be aide they're not a virgin? Please, don't ever have children, god knows that what you would teach them let alone be understanding enough to get along with them and know how to handle parenthood.... Virginity or lack there of is not a character judgement and people should not be judged because of it... How someone treats sex might be a bit better and even better yet how the person treats the other person, people can have casual sex or have it be a seldom sacred event it all depends on the person knowing what they want out of it and knowing what their partner wants and they should be honest straightforward and communicate that with each other and they should be safe.... Virgins shouldn't ride around on some high horse especially as a social defense because that's just unhealthy for your self honesty and for the honesty and thought process within society- if that makes any sort of sense at all