Admit it

By aces10 - 25/01/2009 13:52 - United States

Today, I was talking to my mom about my younger brother getting his girlfriend pregnant. She asked me how old I was when I first had sex. I'm a 21 year-old virgin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 261
You deserved it 5 602

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No shame there. =p I'm 18 (almost 19 this year) old virgin. I'm female. Don't know why but I don't normally meet guys who find this quality very appealing about a girl... weird.

aimee0027 17

Being a virgin shouldn't be seen as a bad thing. There's no shame in it.


emily_love 3

I don't believe in sex till marriage and I don't want to get married

Philerup31 12

I am almost 21 and I'm a virgin because I want to wait and do it right and I have friends younger than me that have kids of their own.

brekab8 14

I'm a 22 year old virgin..... It sucks!!!! I need to get laid!!! T_T

wow im a 20 year old virgin too, virgin girls are much sexier!

I don't disagree with many of the comments saying that it's nice to lose your virginity with someone you love (at least at the time), but it's my opinion that society puts virginity on far too tall a pedestal. It's really just another way of objectifying a person (men as well, but women in particular) and repressing human sexuality. Sex is meant to happen between people whose pheromones are mutually attractive, and I personally think it's silly to deny human nature in this instance. Also, ever heard of a virgin-***** complex? There seem to be a few cropping up in here. X)

jonnichols 0

You can be like them at any time but they can never be like you again. I was a virgin till I was 18 and lost it to the person I am in love with.

SarahLove45 6

No shame in being a virgin. Be proud of who you are and where you are at in your life.

hopef33110 7

don't feel bad I'm 20 gonna be 21 next year have a bf and am still a vargin it's a good thing proves u have enough respect to wait to do that

hopef33110 7

I believe this should only be done when married I am foruntate to say were both new my current bf was my frist kiss new steps everywhere