Admit it

By aces10 - 25/01/2009 13:52 - United States

Today, I was talking to my mom about my younger brother getting his girlfriend pregnant. She asked me how old I was when I first had sex. I'm a 21 year-old virgin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 261
You deserved it 5 602

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No shame there. =p I'm 18 (almost 19 this year) old virgin. I'm female. Don't know why but I don't normally meet guys who find this quality very appealing about a girl... weird.

aimee0027 17

Being a virgin shouldn't be seen as a bad thing. There's no shame in it.


23 year old virgin here Lol should I go kill myself?

Sonnii 1

nothing wrong with that Hun. I stayed a virgin till I got married, only then did I lose it. made me feel good about myself, almost 21 and no babies, unlike the rest of my friends that all had babies before 21. some even had 2 babies with different baby daddies.

Meow_Ruff_Bah21 3

the sad thing is that its becoming a very common thing in our culture today. We even have shows like 16 & pregnant and Teen Mom that promote it. Sure they say use protection and what not, but it still is glorifying it in the eyes of our youth.

it's great that you didn't have pre marital sex! when you finially do have sex with your husband it will be more special and important! good for you!

marley91 2

nothing wrong with being a virgin...I see it as a privilege...@least when u find some1 who loves u it'll be 4 u and not 4 what u can do 2 them

Seriously? This was dumb, in my opinion anyway, why be upset for being virgin? better than being called a ****.

there's absolutely nothing wrong with that! just be happy you didn't get YOUR girlfriend pregnant.

My boyfriend is 20 and I just took his virginity, don't sweat it :) A) you've got no STD's or STI's B) you've got something many people find valuable in your hands C) you're not a floozie! So smile! This isn't all that bad :) You're not the one having a kid!

pickles2b2 4

im in high school and still a virgin, at least u dont have a disease