Admit it

By aces10 - 25/01/2009 13:52 - United States

Today, I was talking to my mom about my younger brother getting his girlfriend pregnant. She asked me how old I was when I first had sex. I'm a 21 year-old virgin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 261
You deserved it 5 602

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No shame there. =p I'm 18 (almost 19 this year) old virgin. I'm female. Don't know why but I don't normally meet guys who find this quality very appealing about a girl... weird.

aimee0027 17

Being a virgin shouldn't be seen as a bad thing. There's no shame in it.


I am 15 years old and I see no problem in waiting till marriage to have sex

fakename23 0

just wait 19 more years and we can have a sequel

Awkward question for your mom to ask, of course, but don't be embarrassed about being a 21-year-old virgin. I'm quite proud to say that I gave my virginity, at 22, to the man I married. It was the best decision I ever made. Even if virginity is not a tangible thing, the thoughts and emotions backing the concept are real. Only give it if you know it's without any regrets!

ur2nvthis85 3

exactly...there are a lot more virgins out there than people think. people just assume everyone is having sex but in reality that's not the case. our society is very sex driven. you see it on tv and everywhere but I think you're respectful to yourself if you're willing to wait however if you've feel it's an FML because you've never got the chance that is sad but the right one will come your way eventually (no pun intended lol) :D

Okay, no, not to be rude, but you're ALL missing out, I'm 13, NOT a virgin, and I've done everything except get eaten out. You guys all really need to get laid, no regrets, shit's great.

crazyboob 0

dont worry bout it.. my brother is a 26 yr old virgin, im 12 nd not even a virgin!

Meow_Ruff_Bah21 3

12? Geezus, I hope you don't think that's an accomplishment -_-

dixiefoxx 22

If my little sister had sex right now (she's 12), oh god, she'd be in soooo much trouble with me.

I'm a virgin too ! I can't understand why nobody wants to take mine !