You're nicked!

By Jong - 10/03/2009 02:35 - United States

Today, I arrived at work, only to be arrested and accused of stealing over $8000 from my job. Five hours later at the police station, the discovery was made that the actual thief had an employee ID one digit different than mine. He works at another location over 1200 miles away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 324
You deserved it 2 759

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MCart_fml 0

5 hours is fairly quick for the police to understand an embezzlement case...

I would sue the hell out of these assholes.


cubbiezgurl03 0

oh yeah totally sue. that's freaken their problem not yours. get some money.

that' like an unfuck my life then.... because they found out it wasn't you right?

Adam_B 0

#10: When your dry cleaning is late, that is an inconvenience. When the video store doesn't have the movie you want, that's an inconvenience. When you don't have milk in the morning for your cereal, that's an inconvenience. When you head into work, are accused of embezzling money, are arrested and thrown into prison, that's a ******* scary experience. He must have thought he would not only be fired but also potentially locked up for who knows how long. What's wrong with America is that there are too many people trying to tell other people how to think or act by saying "This is what's wrong with America:" as if they know any better than anyone else.

Time to sue, or get a good ol pipe bomb.

I would have demanded compensation for it and/or sued them, that's bullshit.

Your_Shadow 0

This is the 6th time I read this story about someone getting in trouble then realizing the ID is one different from you.