You're nicked!

By Jong - 10/03/2009 02:35 - United States

Today, I arrived at work, only to be arrested and accused of stealing over $8000 from my job. Five hours later at the police station, the discovery was made that the actual thief had an employee ID one digit different than mine. He works at another location over 1200 miles away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 324
You deserved it 2 759

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MCart_fml 0

5 hours is fairly quick for the police to understand an embezzlement case...

I would sue the hell out of these assholes.


i would honestly ask for quatriple pay for time spent in jail, a nice discount, and some free stuff. i would not sue. that would more then make up for it. A party in your honor, and food would be good as well.

Get a raise. Don't sue them. Too much time and effort for the possibility of winning and the certainity of establishing a bad rep. Like another person said, you have another funny story. Finally, I feel like now you have a "get out of jail free card" for one serious f***-up that you do make.

I absolutely would consult a lawyer. Even though they're innocent, their reputation has been damaged in the company. Even though it was an employee 1200 miles away, there will be people who will forget the whole story, or who don't know the whole story who may think that there simply wasn't enough evidence, and that they're still a thief. It's not just a simple mistake, if it were, then of course you move on with life. It was a PREVENTABLE mistake. If the cops mistakenly have the wrong address, and do a search warrant on your home in the middle of the night, arresting everyone and hauling you off to jail, people here saying 'oh sue happy Americans' would be the first in line demanding heads to roll, and compensation. How is this ANY different? It's not, and in many ways it's worse because it can impact his professional life. Additionally, you have to report arrests for numerous jobs and security clearances...even if you were innocent, it impacts you. If he was actually booked, he has a booking number. And that follows you around for life too. I'd be talking to a lawyer that day about my options, not because I'd be 'ooo free money' but I'd want things resolved so they don't impact my life later, and what cannot be resolved, I'd absolutely deserve compensation for.

I want to club the people who vote "You deserved it" for everything.

at least it was only 5 hours and not days in jail...

Jay61 0

Sue! Sue! Sue! Arrested at work and 5 hours in jail for having a similar ID # to a criminal!? Also how can people think you deserved this? To #10, where is this line between suit and no suit?

I'm Canadian, and I definitely think he should sue for defamation of character and wrongful imprisonment, if he was jailed.

MCart_fml 0

The reason we sue so much is because it's the only way we can get any kind of justice from anyone; doing almost anything else is illegal and will get us arrested. If the company wasn't so stupid by jumping to a conclusion without checking their information, and the police weren't so stupid by taking action to arrest an individual without proper evidence, there wouldn't be a problem.... HOWEVER, because the company and police ARE usually that stupid and want punishment and blame over truth, and most of the time won't voluntarily admit wrong doing, apologize and do everything necessary to make up for their stupidity and the damage it causes people, we have to sue them. It's the way of the US-of-A!