You're nicked

By kb10 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, I got arrested for shoplifting. I don't know what's worse, that I stole a one dollar bottle of chocolate milk, or that I didn't have the dollar to pay for it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 436
You deserved it 75 919

Top comments

Its the fact that you are too lazy to work that's worse. Face it.

I would say what is worse is the fact you thought you could just take something that was not yours and get away with it! If you were really thirsty go drink some water out of a tap! At least you can't get done for that.


And now you will have to find a way to pay for the several hundred dollar fine you will soon be getting.

sailorzoe 14

That sucks. I've been there and I've had a full-time job since I was fifteen. Some people don't understand the concept of not having any money to buy food after you pay all your bills. And I'm NOT about to take my clothes off for money.

well then one should steal WATER bottles. not chocolate milk. ive been there too and I'm not going to waste my time on something not necessary.

If that were the case why steal chocolate milk? While not steal something practical?

Its the fact that you thought it was worth it to steal something that costs a dollar. What, did you think you would look cool? and if you're thirsty and are going to resort to stealing, shouldn't you be stealing water or something?

they stole chocolate milk not a chocolate bar

In that case, how does OP have computer and internet?

emariebake 0

some of y'all are really suck. surely you've all heard of the recession and know that there aren't jobs for everyone. OP didn't steal for the thrill or for something they could sell. OP stole for sustenance. SCREW all of you rich a-holes, which at this point in the economy, you are if you can't imagine stealing food.

kiakia0131 23

But OP should have stolen something that would have better nutritional value... Not that OP should have stolen at all... Go to a soup kitchen or something. There is always help.

so they should also ***** out their bodies too right?

How could anyone be poor enough to not be able to buy a one dollar bottle of chocolate milk? Really, be smarter next time you decide to shoplift. -.-