You're nicked

By kb10 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, I got arrested for shoplifting. I don't know what's worse, that I stole a one dollar bottle of chocolate milk, or that I didn't have the dollar to pay for it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 436
You deserved it 75 919

Top comments

Its the fact that you are too lazy to work that's worse. Face it.

I would say what is worse is the fact you thought you could just take something that was not yours and get away with it! If you were really thirsty go drink some water out of a tap! At least you can't get done for that.


How about the fact that you got caught? Jeez, you really have to suck to not be able to cover the chocolate milk up somehow before walking out with it.

why did you grab the chocolate? forget your wallet? or did you ask your boyfriend to Hold it and he got jacked? lol

2010smhill2010 0

yuggi1 you ******* idiot.maybe op has billsto pay and didnt have any money to spare for chocolate milk.... i moderated this to see what people say.

so sell whatever you wrote this on, and start dealing crack

619warrior281 5
salsalover_12 5

. . .what are you in 1st grade? I'll tell you what's worse OP what's worse is you didn't have the common sense to wait till you got home to get some water...idiot. YDI

Dude didnt have to shoplift didnt really need the drink

Not having a dollar isn't that bad; I don't always have a dollar to spare. But if you're that thirsty, just go to a water fountain. Most public places, including grocery and convenience stores, have one.