You're in the army now

By Thank you, exactly what I wanted Sergeant - 21/08/2016 13:53

Today, my drill sergeant found out it's my birthday. I spent the rest of the day scrubbing large, filthy pots for the entire base of 2000+ and scrubbing grime off of bathroom walls. Happy birthday to me! FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 535
You deserved it 1 572

Same thing different taste

Top comments

anon4ever 7

I'm a Marine, and Marines don't get to have cell phones during boot camp. You don't have it that bad. One day of scrubbing toilets won't hurt you. Soon it'll probably be someone else's birthday, and they'll do the same. Good luck in the military, OP.

SauceySarah 30

Can someone explain to me why they made OP do all of that laborious, gross stuff on her birthday? What's the lesson they are trying to convey? Does it teach discipline? Do they not want happiness? Genuinely curious.


I was in Army 20 years. None of the five branches allow the use of cell phone (beyond calling home). if you do have your phone its to call home, not post on FML. This poster is just trolling.

Agreed! my husband just graduated air force bmt and didn't have his phone until he was on the bus to tech school. He got to use his phone like twice to call (which was rare as it was)

You realize, the use of the word "today" is a requirement in every FML. This could have happened in the past, and the OP is just posting about it now.

I have Soldiers who had their phones on Sundays during BCT. The Army has changed a lot in twenty years. And this FML could've been written after Basic. But FML requires all FML's start with the word Today.

Character building is just a phrase used to descirbe horrible things people do. In some ways it is like robbing someone or hurting them and then wanting gratitude and no complaints because they grow stronger through the horrible experiences.

JackWick 7

I spent my 22 birthday in Afghanistan. You're lucky

You and me both brother but I was circling the Gulf! On top of that, had to spend it in medical for a broken ankle

Hahaha, Happy Birthday. It could be MUCH worse. At least you can come whine on the internet. And yes, it does build character.

I claimed 'Satanist' on my intake forms specifically because I wanted to be able to claim my birthday as a religious holiday. :D

ericanicole1 12

To everyone saying 'oh why would they do that? It's your birthday', do you think the military is like elementary school and someone's gonna bring cupcakes and everyone's gonna get you presents???? Like you're in the military, shit still needs to get done. And on future birthdays you could've missed your kid being born 2 months ago and trying to make sure your best friend (or yourself tbh) doesn't bleed out. It's the military (sorry I'm a realist)

No, you're a jackass, not a realist. Realistically, she would receive no special treatment, good OR bad, on her birthday. But she DID receive special treatment - very bad special treatment. So your point is self-defeating.

I went through basic July-November 2001. We weren't allowed cellphones, games, music, or personal items. Be happy you have what you do.

atleast your not being shot.... happy birthday op.

dguzman92 12

the fact that you're holding your phone is a gift you'd better cherish. we wrote home and only got to call home if someone was terminally Ill and you needed to say bye. suck it up buttercup and learn to appreciate what's given.