You coming?

By snotface - 23/04/2009 19:47 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my girlfriend. She started panting harder and going, "AH, AH, AH..." and I thought she was about to come. Next thing I know, there's snot splattered all over my face and neck. Turns out it was a sneeze. FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 791
You deserved it 8 863

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TurtleGenius 0

Probably the best feeling she got all night...

Pull out and spray a bodily fluid all over her face and neck, you're even.


wonnybot73 0

this is terrible! i mean, I can't name much more terrible than this! so unsexy.

kellster 2

Haha, you just got a facial!

Wow, I never knew anyone would take "**** the snot out of her" literally. Or perhaps you didn't, and actually took "**** her brains out" literally instead?

It's sucks, but very funny. sorry dude :P

haha that sucks. Work on that tho...cuz...yeah theres a difference

Sneezing is a reflex action. Shouldn't be a big deal. Quite funny though! :P