You coming?

By snotface - 23/04/2009 19:47 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my girlfriend. She started panting harder and going, "AH, AH, AH..." and I thought she was about to come. Next thing I know, there's snot splattered all over my face and neck. Turns out it was a sneeze. FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 791
You deserved it 8 863

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TurtleGenius 0

Probably the best feeling she got all night...

Pull out and spray a bodily fluid all over her face and neck, you're even.


If it makes you feel any better, my ex sweat into my mouth while he was on top of me, taking my virginity :-/

LOL i actually said lol when i read this :) hilarious.

Wow.. that is pretty gross, but if you've ever came on a girl's face, it's just as disgusting really. I couldn't help but laugh at this one though.

Blue_Coconuts 7

31, I was about to say the same thing.. 37, I forget how far into it he was, but afterwards he talks about now he's afraid that he doesn't know what she's going to do, which eventually leads him to premature ejaculation. You may remember the ending.

Well, they say that a sneeze is 1/7th of an ******...

Learn how to better please your woman. Good sex can suppress sneezing fits. I say! It is law!

Get_Naykid 0

I've never had a girl sneeze during sex, therefore I find this hard to believe.