By Invisible - 22/05/2009 19:27 - Switzerland

Today, I worked up the courage to comment on my crush's picture. I wrote, "Cool picture" on his Facebook profile picture. Pleased with myself, I later logged on to see if he had replied. He had. Well, at least he took the time to reply, "Who the fuck are you?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 901
You deserved it 12 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lilcuti3pi389 0

Wow, no decent person would say that to someone who commented there pic, stop liking him, he sounds like a major douche. and how does he not know u if ur friends on fb? Bt yea that really does suck, sorry =/ also #3 good point.

****, I wish I had the balls to come out of the closet and ask my crush out. :(


How about answering: "If you forgot, there's a ******* link you can click on to get the answer ;) That's part of what makes facebook so cool". He's being an ass. Don't let that phase you out. Good luck.

viadomus815 0

That was some pretty bad wording on his part, but at the same time, not surprising. In high school I had other people add me who I'd never met before. Some I didn't have any interest in talking to and I'd see them looking at me in the hallway but of course never say anything to me. It's just ******* weird, I'm glad I'm out of HS because that was a couple years ago and facebook is just going deeper into the sewer as time goes on. I'm sorry the guy responded like an asshole...but you might want to work on your strategy a bit?

Im_Insane 0

you spelled Pokémon wrong...

#34- not necessarily. Just because you haven't spoken to them doesn't mean you solely like their looks. You could be intrigued by their personality, their demeanor, some special hobby/skill the person possess (sports/poetry/music/art/etc). It could be a variety of things :).

#48 You said personality but how would you know someone's personality if you have never talked to them? Unless of course you're a stalker.

ilovedastone 0

#47 LOL. i just copied and pasted. maybe urban dictionary doesn't know how to do the little e thing. and the OP made the mistake by not stalking silently. facebook stalking = fun.

monkeyz0r 0

#26, you cant say "first comment" or "second comment" without getting flamed at on any website sorry, its the truth :/