WTF dude?

By mtorres8789 - 27/06/2009 06:33 - United States

Today, our favorite teacher walked into our history class and everyone started whistling, I decided to join in by screaming, "Sexy!" The room went quiet and all heads turned to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 861
You deserved it 80 593

Same thing different taste


kmoney7 0

that's extreamly funny and sad. i did almost that exact thing only the sub we said it too knew my brother and was like laughing in my basement that weekend at me. so i feel ya haha

MrGlad 0

WTF? I don't even understand while everyone was whistling, I mean it's a teacher, not a stripper walking in. Oh, and nice job taking it too far...

that was kinda stupid but that must've sucked alot FYL

I would have said "Can I" then continue with the song.

omgitsseejay 0

LOL It reminds me of that one episode of family guy, when peter was a construction worker, and he was like "YOU SUCK"!!