WTF dude?

By mtorres8789 - 27/06/2009 06:33 - United States

Today, our favorite teacher walked into our history class and everyone started whistling, I decided to join in by screaming, "Sexy!" The room went quiet and all heads turned to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 861
You deserved it 80 593

Same thing different taste


Says the same thing that the whistling does. Don't see a problem

People like you are the reason people castrate themselves.

well at least she knows you like her then

Hahaha that's hilarious, only a few actually make me laugh and this is feeling great

Hahaha this is probably my favourite FML ever. Definitely misread that social situation.

Atlest youre a woman, imagine how it would be if you were a guy?

Personguy01 11

Calm down everyone it's just a joke.