Why would you stick that there?

By Co-B - 03/09/2009 20:59 - United States

Today, my girlfriend reached into my pocket to get my keys so she could get something out of my car. When she yanked them out, the condom that we'd just used flew up into the air and landed on the floor in front of her entire family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 872
You deserved it 61 035

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CherishFlowers 0

Eww... don't keep it in your pocket.

OH WELL... uh, at least they know you're safe!


Why would u keep a used condom in ur pocket? thats just nasty

YamahaMama09 0

why in the world would you keep a used condom in your pocket?!?.....Thats gross.

This is one of the most disgusting things I've ever heard. But if you're going to keep a condom in your pocket, you could've at least put it in a pocket where you didn't have anything else. Do you really want to untangle that from your keys later??

popatia 0

wouldn't the keys rip open the condom? I call FAKE

popatia 0

wouldn't the keys rip open the condom? I call FAKE

Why is it that "ew used condom in your pants!?" prevails here But on an FML not entirely too long ago, "where the hell else would you put it [if you JUST used it]?" prevailed. Awfully funny.

Which one was that? I don't read the comments for all of them.

http://www.fmylife.com/intimacy/4077228 Took me an etoinity, but I found what I remembered. Many people are saying "well you don't flush it or throw it in strange places!" I mean still YDI majority but I just found the change of heart amusing.

if you had a used condom in your pocket wouldn't you have a big wet stain on your pants... that's disgusting, you deserved it for keeping a USED CONDOM in your pocket.

Once used, the outside of a condom is fairly dry. Latex dries things out very quickly.

um if he was afraid of parents seeing it in the trash, how about he WRAPS it in kleenex or toilet paper.. honestly. there are SO many other options than putting it in your pocket! like c'mon.

shitfaced7 0

why wasnt tht shit in the garbage..haha i shouldnt say much though i threw a used condom in a plastic bag on my 80 year old neighbors roof ou t my window.it decided 2 rain and fell off his roof and he found it and told my mom. try getting out of that one especially when you put something that your mom found in a cereal box a few days b4 and gave 2u and also put it in the bag for some random reason lol..

They didn't have to assume it was y'all's. They might have figured you found it someplace. XD

Who finds a used condom, picks it up and puts it in their pocket for safe keeping?

...same kind of person who stores their freshly-used condoms in their pockets?