Who knows?

By Anonymous - 08/02/2014 18:49 - United States

Today, I went down on my boyfriend for the first time. My hand-eye coordination went straight to hell and I managed to accidentally smack my nose into his penis. He told all his friends about it, and I'm apparently now known as Woodpecker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 757
You deserved it 11 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well he won't be getting a peck on the cheek anytime soon.


You call this asshole your boyfriend ?

I'd say you suck... but clearly you didn't... lol!!

That's actually a pretty brilliant nickname.

He's a genius, that nickname is hilarious!! =D

I don't know what's worse, that he gave you a nickname "WoodPecker" or he told his friends that you gave him head. I would've dumb him after that if I were you... Just saying.

Maybe instead of OP we start calling you WP? Lol

Not cool for him to have shared that. Would definitely suggest telling him not to do that anynore

frizz101 22

If OP has to tell him not to share embarrassing moments about their sex life, he shouldn't have a girlfriend. You shouldn't have to tell someone not to share such personal moments, it should be implied.

Dump his ass. Only a complete douche bag would talk that way about his girlfriend. I guarantee he'll dump you once he gets bored, so dump him first so he's the one who gets hit the most by it.