Where is she now?

By RensM - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - New Zealand

Today, I went to the movies. I was sat next to a woman who talked through the film and said, "Awwww" every time she saw a primate. I went to see 'Rise of Planet of the Apes'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 934
You deserved it 3 226

Top comments


Sometimes you just gotta smack a ho

The monkeys arnt even cute in that movie? Their creepy! And evil!


alex6946 10

That movie has made me paranoid about monkeys... O_O

JohnsonNavinR 4
zowieandzander77 1

" you were seated" ??? Movies don't have assigned seating. Move next time.

Actually they do :/ you buy your ticket and reserve seats. It's to help big groups stay together

waileybeem1994 1

You can't just move there is a thing called "full seats" and getting stuck in a crappy one.

Most European theaters do to my knowledge.

wonderboy84 0

Someone should throw her ass in a cage with a monkey and see if she still says awwww

Lawbynature 0

Is there no moving or asking her to move?

crazyrainbow 0

wow that would be annoying, should have moved seats...duh

Did she say aww whenever a monkey brutally murdered someone?

you shouldve said " I'm gonna bring it on like Donkey Kong!!!!"