Where is she now?

By RensM - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - New Zealand

Today, I went to the movies. I was sat next to a woman who talked through the film and said, "Awwww" every time she saw a primate. I went to see 'Rise of Planet of the Apes'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 934
You deserved it 3 226

Top comments


Sometimes you just gotta smack a ho

The monkeys arnt even cute in that movie? Their creepy! And evil!


Try sitting in a theater filled with a bunch of African American teenagers while watching "The Blind Side" Exactly.

cynthiaF 0

I watched that yesterday! Great movie! but the apes are scary....

For every "Aww" she made, you should've smacked her once.

litebluebaby 0

Maybe those were her kids in the movie.

timmyliao 5

Tell her to shut up, nobody likes girls who can't take a hint that they're annoying

12vballchick12 5

after seeing that movie I'm afraid to sneeze...

lstrawberrycake 12

I saw that movie yesterday with my friends