Where is she now?

By RensM - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - New Zealand

Today, I went to the movies. I was sat next to a woman who talked through the film and said, "Awwww" every time she saw a primate. I went to see 'Rise of Planet of the Apes'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 934
You deserved it 3 226

Top comments


Sometimes you just gotta smack a ho

The monkeys arnt even cute in that movie? Their creepy! And evil!


Trap her in a cage with a 900+ pound silverback gorilla. See how adorable she thinks they are then.

eminemchick 19

awww ----> ahhhhhhhh!!! i remember all the female shrieks from that movie so clearly

AvikC818 8

You should have just moved seats

HahaYDI 0
eminemchick 19

spoiler: when you pee on the side off the toilet it makes less noise

too ******* bad. boo hoo. I watched for free without anyone else there. pretty entertaining.

Lol. You aren't that cool, buddy. You only watched it alone because you have no friends. And you pirated it on your moms internet cause you have no money to go to the movies.

kings1fan 6

Looking at your family portraits doesn't count as watching the movie

sexxme 9

Soo, do you want a cookie or something?

On another note that movie was pretty good

iAmScrubs 19

I'm really confused. I don't know what he really meant. If he was putting down Obama, then I stick to my original reply.

I think he meant that people thought Obama was cute so they voted for him. "aww look at this black man running for president! How adorable. Let's vote for him. " Which is complete shit -_-

neonsugarXx 0

*apes take over the world* Woman: Awwww...

boredblonde 17
omgcookeys 15

People that talk in the movies are so annoying. -_-"

They're called actors.... People that talk in the movie THEATER are annoying.....

mashamanya 0

i know someone who would do the same :3