Where is she now?

By RensM - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - New Zealand

Today, I went to the movies. I was sat next to a woman who talked through the film and said, "Awwww" every time she saw a primate. I went to see 'Rise of Planet of the Apes'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 934
You deserved it 3 226

Top comments


Sometimes you just gotta smack a ho

The monkeys arnt even cute in that movie? Their creepy! And evil!


rbtl10 2

That's what you get for going to see that movie...

That's your punishment for going to a terrible movie

It's things like this that make me wonder if sometimes murder is justifiable.

I like that movie! And those monkeys werent even cute! They were scary lookin!

nessa_luv 0

Move???? I mean really, the theater wasn't packed was it??? Or tell her to shut up. Always an alternate option.

You realize that humans are primates too right, at least she probably didn't ahhh every time a human was on screen.

roldey15 2

lol almost had the same thing happen to me but i had an old cupple sitting behind me and they wouldnt shut up when they seen a monkey