
By InstantHardOn - 08/11/2011 04:43 - United States

Today, my girlfriend has a new obsession: grabbing my junk and whispering in my ear the song, "Baby, Imma Be Your Motivation." Problem? I get an instant boner and she only does it in public, because it's "funny as hell." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 524
You deserved it 8 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MwahFMLS 6

Grab her boob and sing nyan cat? Meowmeowmeowmeow


I do that to my boyfriend all the time :)

In public, I would seem uncomfortable if I saw that. But inside...I would be laughing my ass off!

ha don't feel bad if my boyfriend had an FML he would be posting the same thing! lmfao idk what it is ut us girls just like pda :p

Thaaaaats gotta suck. For you of course, not her. Lmao

yuyqe 4

Interesting gf.... Sadistic much?

So grab hers and see how she likes it

I_dont_exist 5

my girl does the same thing different song but the same thing v__v