What are you doing ear?

By JK710 - 23/06/2009 01:13 - United States

Today, I discovered that the hearing in my left ear is still good. I haven't been able to hear that well out of it for 2 weeks and I thought I popped an eardrum and waited for it to heal. I stuck a Q-Tip in there to clean it out. Turns out there was actually a dead fly in my ear. For 2 weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 246
You deserved it 11 423

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How would it have gotten in there without you feeling it? Unless you were sleeping o_O still, gross.



This reminds me of the gerbil song. x-x

well at least you found the whole fly. my mom worked as a social worker of types and one of her clients had a baby that screamed for 3 days straight and they finally brought the kid to the dr. dr found half a roach. no idea what happened to the other half.

goddamn, this FML brought me to the verge of tears - gotta love entomophobia - and then I read the roach comment and an actual whimper escaped my throat. **** MY life

yeah, i was an intern at CCAS for a while, you wouldnt believe the nasty things you hear, ugh, and the living conditions >.< fmylife too!

Oh, gross. You must have pretty numb ears if a fly crawled in and died without you even noticing. Still. FYL; nobody deserves to find a 2 week old dead fly in their ear. D:

I hope it layed a good few eggs before it died....Insect brain

You didn't clean your ear for 2 weeks? ewwwww

you derserve it , i mean, having your hearing, because it's only a fly in your ear

NEVER STICK A Q-tip IN YOUR EAR!!! WORST IDEA EVER! That's how you could have pierce your eardrum... People should wash their hears only with towels.

Offtopic but: Gotta love the French way of saying "ears" :D

I once heard a story of a woman while driving a spider got into her ear but she hasn't felt anything some days or weeks after I don't remember exactly she has o constant pain inside her ear so she decided to go to a doctor who found a bunch of eggs and the first mother spider which entered her ear...

Ugh that's awful. Apparently not that uncommon though. I had a moth crawl into my ear while I was sleeping, and I'm a light sleeper so woke up straight away. Wouldn't come out so I called the healthline and they said heaps of people end up in the emergency room with stuff like that happening. They told me to pour warm oil in my ear with my head on the side for a while. Grossest thing that I've ever done I think, but a dead fly in your ear for 2 weeks would be awful. FYL Also.... 46.... that's ******* revolting. Why would you feel the need to share that?? >.