What are you doing ear?

By JK710 - 23/06/2009 01:13 - United States

Today, I discovered that the hearing in my left ear is still good. I haven't been able to hear that well out of it for 2 weeks and I thought I popped an eardrum and waited for it to heal. I stuck a Q-Tip in there to clean it out. Turns out there was actually a dead fly in my ear. For 2 weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 246
You deserved it 11 423

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How would it have gotten in there without you feeling it? Unless you were sleeping o_O still, gross.



Courtnaayy 0

Better a fly then a giant June bug somebody had in their ear on The Untold Stories of the E.R. Be thankful :]

lol I saw that episode. I got so creeped out when I saw it O.o

what is with the bugs in the ears lately?


Clean your ears more ..simple as that . Ydi

OMG. I would have thrown up . on the spot.

zee209 0

If you popped your eardrum you would have known right away. Not only can you not hear, but there is EXTREME pain like you've never felt before.

Uhhh how did you not feel that? haha And that is really gross! I can't even have any insect TOUCH me, if I would have found out that is was living in me, I think for the rest of the day I would most definatly be cleaning my ear, over and over again.

I think it's a good time to check your nose! you know if one fly was in there for so long maybe they are some in your nose. take em out before your head is their home sweet home

HA! The exact same thing happened to me when I was little! but, i didn't find out for like, 2 months, and when I did I was at the doctors office, and he called in all the nurses and other doctors because he found it humorous and then I had to sit and have water squrited into my ear for about 4 hours. oh, man, thats sucks