What are you doing ear?

By JK710 - 23/06/2009 01:13 - United States

Today, I discovered that the hearing in my left ear is still good. I haven't been able to hear that well out of it for 2 weeks and I thought I popped an eardrum and waited for it to heal. I stuck a Q-Tip in there to clean it out. Turns out there was actually a dead fly in my ear. For 2 weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 246
You deserved it 11 423

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How would it have gotten in there without you feeling it? Unless you were sleeping o_O still, gross.



That's ******* messed up and you should take care of yourself.

NewLight8421 0

one time when i was like 5, a fly flew into my nose and it took FOREVER for my mom and dad to get it out while my brothers were watching :O

Actually, folks, this is more common than you think. I had a bad ear infection a few years ago and ended up in the emergency room, and while no one pulled a bug out of my ear, it was one of the first things they checked for when they flushed it out. Bugs can and do get into ears without people noticing it.

You should've gone to the doctor if your ear hurt for more then three days. It's just a good idea.

obff527 7

....... that's disgusting... i have a minor phobia of flies... i would have shit bricks dude...

bambi73 0

Yeah I would have the weirdest feeling for the next couple days in my ear.

ShenziSixaxis 0

That's quite disturbing. O_o And you would have been in horrible pain if your eardrum bursted. Especially with water in it (assuming you HAVE showered/bathed in the past two weeks).

Yeah, if you thought you popped an eardrum, why wouldn't you go to the doctor anyway? Who just doesn't go to the doctor when they randomly lose most of the hearing in one ear??? Why would you not get it checked out? 2 weeks??? Wtf?

CourtneeMalakian 0

eww! at least u know that if ur hearing gets a little bad, clean ur ears! (if that doesnt work go to a doctor)

look on the bright side, it probably wasn't dead the WHOLE time! =]