What am I like?

By Joe - 01/11/2009 16:35 - United States

Today, I realized that the drunk-me deletes my texts, so the sober-me doesn't get mad. Well turns out, whatever the drunk-me said, caused me to lose my job, my girlfriend, and my coffee machine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 807
You deserved it 50 841

Same thing different taste

Top comments

qwertyone 0

Drunk you or not it was still you. You are responsible for what you do drunk and you chose to drink in the first place. I hope the "drunk you" doesn't drive.


atomicmrpelly 2

You can't transform your drunk self into some sort of alter ego in order to create FML. Not only was it who made the decision to actually get drunk, but it was also who got your sorry ass fired and dumped and (oh and this one is really tragic) coffee-less. Bottom line is it's your fault and no-one elses. FYL for being such an irresponsible, probably impotent moron.

You have a problem. Stop drinking and start counselling.

Wow, this guys refers to his drunk-self and and his sober-self as two different entities. Now, THAT'S a whole other level of alcoholism.

prplwrpl 0

u r one pathetic son of a flippin' gun

That's why I don't drink. Also, Uh... dude... you might want to see a psychologist about that... because if the drunk you deletes texts so that the sober you doesn't get mad, then you might have some sort of MPD lol.

omygosh!! my drunk me does the same thing lol it pisses me off more though cus idk wat happened

Sounds like a slightly more clever version of drunk me, the current drunk me hasn't realised how to delete the texts from my outbox yet.. always leaves me with awkward silences in the morning though