Wet helmet

By RyanSmithN - 15/01/2010 05:04 - United States

Today, I used a public bathroom and set my motorcycle helmet on the sink while I used the urinal. The helmet rolled into the sink, under the faucet and set off the motion detector, soaking the inside. I drove 15 miles home in 30 degree weather with a wet helmet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 271
You deserved it 9 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Way to use your motorcycle in 30 degree weather.

He might not have another vehicle to use. Not everyone has two vehicles to use. Good for you if you're that privileged, but he might be using a motorcycle instead of a car to lower gas and maintenance costs. Congratulations for being a single-minded dickweed.


AngelLove251987 0
nineoclockstart 0

Since when does it make it to 30 degrees in Florida?

What's the big deal? Thirty degrees is roasting for me. Ohhhhh... You meant in farenheit. Maybe a little tip for next time, hmmmm?

Next time you should set the helmet on the bottom so it doesn't roll around.... Common sense?