Wet helmet

By RyanSmithN - 15/01/2010 05:04 - United States

Today, I used a public bathroom and set my motorcycle helmet on the sink while I used the urinal. The helmet rolled into the sink, under the faucet and set off the motion detector, soaking the inside. I drove 15 miles home in 30 degree weather with a wet helmet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 271
You deserved it 9 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Way to use your motorcycle in 30 degree weather.

He might not have another vehicle to use. Not everyone has two vehicles to use. Good for you if you're that privileged, but he might be using a motorcycle instead of a car to lower gas and maintenance costs. Congratulations for being a single-minded dickweed.


Nic_hole 0

just to spicy up the discussion: the motion sensors sense heat movement only. objects at a room temperature cannot set them off.

CyclonePsycho 1

Well, if that was the case, then wouldn't the helmet still be warm after being on his head? But I too don't know. Not a rocket surgeon either.

I am a rocket surgeon and I confirm what #23 and #56 said.

nxtfari 5

please don't tell me you two are serious about "rockets surgeons"

why would you be riding a motorcycle in the cold anyways?

#15 answered that in reply to #1. Scan the comments next time...it's not like that Q&A was buried.

gamingmama 0

Why are you riding a motorcycle when it's that cold out anyway?? YDI

round things roll? who could have guessed that might happen.

On one hand I'm inclined to say FYL, because I've had to ride with a wet helmet too and it sucks. But on the other hand, I'm wondering why you didn't either A. Set your helmet down with the opening on the counter so it wouldn't roll anywhere or B. Lock it to your bike using like a bicycle lock or something. So YDI

30 degrees is hot! isn't it winter in the US?

Gobsnoglin 0

Yes it is winter in the USA. We use the Farenheit scale, so 30 degrees is below freezing (32F). Some will say 30F is warm for this time of year in the USA, but they mean by comparison, so it is likely 0F or -10F in their area, so 30F would feel warm. In reality 30F is not warm, especially with a wet helmet on your head while moving down the road.

YDI for not thinking to dry it off while you were in the bathroom.

Florida native here. This must of been over the past weekend when it was in that temperature range. Not only was it colder than normal for this area, but he had a wet helmet and a windy ride (the wind was kicking all over). While yes, we may not experience blizzard-like conditions and below 10-degree weather like Canada, Alaska, or some of the other northern states, it is still a tough ride regardless who or where you are from (via #12). I feel for you, OP. We're luckily going back into warmer, beautiful weather this weekend.