
By Anonymous - 15/03/2013 18:05 - United States

Today, my boyfriend found out about my severe phobia of moths. It's so bad that I sometimes pass out. He caught a moth in a jar, and put it on my bedside table. I woke up, saw it, and had a panic attack. He recorded it all and wants to upload it to YouTube. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 097
You deserved it 5 365

Same thing different taste

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Next week on cops we follow officer Johnson as he releases a moth from a jar and talks sternly to the man that put it there!


The prank is a bad one, because of your big phobia. But in my opinion the worst part is the uploading on youtube. For that he derves to be dumped: insensitive asshole.

Ok, it's really cruel, but you have to admit it's kind of funny though... I'll bet you would laugh your ass off if it was someone else. But anyway, I'm sorry it happend to you, it sucks.

slip a sleeping pill into his drink; when he passes out, duct tape him to the wall.

that really does suck but I'd be lying if I said I didn't care to see it. not all Canadians are as a holes like me though

That guy's a jackass. No good boyfriend would do that to you! You deserve somebody better. Other people's entertainment doesn't rank above your health.

Stuff like this seriously pisses me off. I am actually afraid of moths too, and one day my little brother pinned me down and held one in my face until I hyperventilated. It's not funny and it's not a joke to the person who is afraid. I do not care if some one is afraid of the color orange, you do not **** with them. You respect their person biz.

Lux2123 3