Tonight, on First Dates…

By James C - 18/04/2012 08:48 - United Kingdom - Stoke-on-trent

Today, I was on a first date. She asked what I do, so I replied, "I create adverts." She then yelled, "F**k you" and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 296
You deserved it 4 606

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yoursucklives 36

well you know, internet ads are kinda annoying...

Guess she doesn't like advertisements....


She was wrong to leave she should have stabed you first and spit in your face then left

PicklesMcRaptor 0

Date someone who doesn't own a computer or a TV. Oh wait, we aren't in Africa.

I'm amazed at how ignorant you really are... I'm assuming you are American?? actually we all have computers and TV's in Africa how else am I typing this. but don't feel bad for not knowing that... I once made a guy from America believe we have lions in our back yard and at 12 pm we run around with our pants on our heads... you guys should really open a book or do some research and not just believe the sh*t the media and other sources you get your info from feed you.

fuckmebutdontfml 16

so when is your second date...

bobbos100 2

She thought u said perverts!!!

I don't even understand it all.. What would make some say that? Understanding what it is or not... I can't even picture that scenario in my head in a believable fashion

666from1134 3

Really, Fu*k You! You ruin tv!

I think op is getting at the fact she's dumb enough that she thought it menu something else. If that's the case OP, you dodged a bullet.

ajaj26 12

Well that escalated quickly!