By Anonymous - 10/12/2013 23:38 - Bangladesh

Today, while trying to break up with my girlfriend, I somehow ended up begging her not to break up with me. I'm still not sure how that happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 304
You deserved it 21 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just get it over with already. Seriously, you sound like a character from a bad sitcom.

Zimmington 21

Make a ******* decision & stick to it


BDA_fml 5

Zip up your pants and walk away. Sounds like you might have got SUCKED in to it.

You make a Bangladesh girl seem so sneaky? When in fact you seem like the sneaky manipulative kind. You know in a place/society like Bangladesh, you cannot just leave a girl like that. You have no right to ruin a girls respect if you weren't serious about her. And clearly if you cannot break up with her now and will continue this, then you are not much of a man! So F HER life, not yours, since she is with a cowardly imitation man.

How in the hell did you manage that? Man up already, dang.

valentinov 15

The Man enters the room with the hammer of logic and facts. The Woman turns off the light, puts on the ninja suit and with a Spider-Man-like agility, combined with deadly ninja skills, K.O.'s the Man slicing him to pieces with the dagger of feelings. Never underestimate women when it comes to getting what they want. When i have an argument with my girlfriend, even when I have solid data, hard facts, perfect examples, a flawless logic... Guess what? I'm wrong. The more I talk, the more I prolong my case with new evidence, further I am from winning. Moreover I have I strong feeling in my gut that I should just apologize to quickly end my misery. That's why, at the end of the argument you were begging her not to break up with you.

This, mi amigos, is the truth. Science, logic and magic combined will not win you an argument with your woman.

Damn well girls do know how to change everything around .! Lol

incoherentrmblr 21