By Ladycakes - 04/06/2012 10:13 - United States - Altamonte Springs

Today, while in bed, I tried to explain how overworked and unappreciated I feel doing all the housework to my fiancé. It was only when I'd finished my long rant that I realized he had been asleep almost the whole time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 829
You deserved it 6 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BubbleGrunge 18

Umm no 20 you have half of that statement wrong. Yes, you are right; no one should use sex as a punishment, but if he cheats that is not her fault. Don't justify cheating as ok, it never is. If you have to cheat then you need to end a relationship.


My wife makes me feel the same way sometimes. I take a lot of pride in having a clean house. You have to make him realize the folly in his way or move on. Clean the things you use and put everything else in his man cave or recliner. Got to do something or you will be unhappy for a long time

perdix 29

Suck on it, Princess! You got him accustomed to you doing all the housework. Don't expect him to suddenly start sharing the work without you losing something. If you really feel exploited, you are better off dumping your fiancé and starting with a new guy who does his share of the housework from Day One.

unknown_user5566 26

Perdix, I generally agree with you, but not on this one. I feel jumping straight to dumping him is a little extreme, considering she wants to marry this man and spend the rest of her life with him. Figuring out how to compromise on issues like this is part of having a serious relationship. Only when both parties are too stubborn to make a compromise should a break-up be considered. My husband and I went through the same thing for quite a long time, before we realized it was silly to argue over something so petty. OP and her fiance just need to find a middle-ground, and go from there.

...You generally agree with him? His comments are about 85% sarcastic and often morally questionable...

unknown_user5566 26

When I say "agree" I mean I generally think his comments are pretty funny, at the very least. My sense of humor is similar to his.

When my husband refuses to do the little things to make some of it easier on me, I get even. Laundry is our big thing. I ask he empty pockets and remove belts before putting his pants in the hamper. He doesn't. So I put away half of his shirts inside out. I know he doesn't check when in a hurry. And it's always fun to hear him bitch about it. But I have no hand dexterity some days from being sick. Figure asking nicely didn't get through. Now he is catching on.

Even if he is the main breadwinner and she is a housewife you need to at least listen to her and engage constructively on the topic. Also, showing appreciation is the least he can do. Having said that some women bitch and moan even when their husbands do their fair share around the house.

unknown_user5566 26

My husband and I went through a similar issue, though I was the one who was not helping out enough. I had the mindset that since I told him when we were dating that I wasn't the "housewife" type (I'm kind of a work-a-holic) that I shouldn't have to help out. Obviously I was in the wrong, and we came to a compromise. I do more of the day-to-day stuff like dishes and cleaning up clutter, and since he's the neat-freak he does the deep cleaning chores. This can prove to be a huge issue in relationships, OP. Sit down with him and discuss how you feel and find some middle-ground. If you don't find a solution you are both happy with, you may start to resent one another. Good luck!

pfclunchbox005 1

If you both work hire a maid. But I'd your a stay at home mom or non-mom then you should clean up. A mans job is to work and put food on the table. Not work then come home to clean. Plus Why are you out of the kitchen?

LOL! Why don't you just hobble on back to the 18th century, where this kind of chauvinistic comment is appreciated.

Jdog619 11

Guys, cut him a break. If he was already asleep before she started talking, it's not his fault. I'm just giving him the benefit of the doubt that he's not lazy, unappreciative, AND a bad listener. Just the first two.

Shawme 6

Guess what sister? It's NEVER going to change. Dump the dude now and go testosterone's a higher quality of life!!!

simplylost643 0

#79- Are you suggesting that she "become" a lesbian in order to get out of her significant other not appreciating her effort on housework?