By meggasee - 25/01/2010 00:23 - France

Today, while having hot sex with my boyfriend, I was experiencing my very first orgasm. Right when my mother walked in. We had no blankets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 864
You deserved it 8 309

Same thing different taste

Top comments

E40_fml 0

Wtf were you screaming or something? Obviously she would hear you and check.


lauwen16 0

haha that's what you get for having sex with you parents home.

How come everyone on here acts like they never make mistakes? I didn't know there was so many perfect people on the internet.

umm hey. at least she had an ******. some women never reach one.

that really sucks...I'm sorry next time lock the door.

Don't people know how to knock in your house?