By jerkgirl - 08/04/2009 05:18 - United States

Today, while getting my hair done, I was annoyed that the beautician was not paying attention while straightening my hair. After asking her three times to watch what she was doing, I grabbed the iron and said "let me do it, you're going to burn me!". I then burned two layers of skin off my ear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 742
You deserved it 113 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you do that? Don't be a bitch. YDI.

whatwhat 0

How much attention does it require to hold something and slowly pull down?


frankenberry333 0

karma's a bitch YDI for being so goddamn rude

#72. Mmkay. Most people can multitask. I'm not going to bitch at someone for not paying 100% attention to me. Mostly because I trust people and I don't try to pretend I know more. Who knows. Maybe I'm just more relaxed then most uptight people who worry about everything. P.S. hair does grow back ahahah #73

don't EVER grab a stylists tools! that is the most disrespectful thing you can do and i can assure you that your stylist will never want to do your hair again and won't care to do a good job. you probably *think* you know how to properly straighten your hair but i bet you don't- nobody ever does. don't act like a know-it-all. you are going to her for a reason and why would you be a bitch to someone who can completely mess up your hair that you have to wear every single day?!

JackFrost 0

Today, I was straightening the hair of this obnoxious spoiled brat at my work as a hair stylist. Since I've been doing this for years, I was straightening her hair while talking to a co-worker. The girl kept screeching at me to pay attention, and then yanked the straightener from my hands and shrieked "Let me do it, you're going to burn me!" I tried to stop her but she spastically attempted to use the iron and ended up burning off two layers of skin from her ear. I got in trouble with my boss. FML.

usmingan 0

YDI. I'm sorry, but if you were that upset you should have handled it differently than throwing a fit and attempting to do it yourself. Yes, the stylist should have been paying more attention to you when you asked, but you still shouldn't have reacted the way you did. And just because you are the customer, does not mean you're right. Maybe she thought she was paying enough attention and that you were overreacting. But there are more adult ways to handle the matter than snatching the tool from her and attempting to do it yourself.

checkyesbecca 0

#2 Hairdressers do sometimes use flat irons to straighten hair. Maybe yours doesn't, but I've seen a hairdresser using a flat iron before.

RolliePollie 5

I totally agree with #68 & 79. Ohh wtf?! hahaha! Thats what beauticians do. I mean they've been doing it for SOOO long I think they know what their doing. lol! You surely did look like an ass for that one! That's what you get for thinking your EGO was that BIG & knowing wtf you were doing. Smh. Next time you wanna do something yourself, go to beauty school :) mmkay!