By d - 26/03/2010 07:31 - United States

Today, when I was trying to break up with my boyfriend, I told him how I needed space and time to think. His response was, "Ok, we're out of condoms anyway." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 090
You deserved it 9 533

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you want tears and for him to beg you not to break up with him??!! Be glad that's all he said!!!


hahahahahahahahaha i loved that guys comeback. epic. out of condoms. but kinda chicks fault

how do you "try" to break up? isn't it a yoda-like moment of "do or do not, there is no try"?

I would dump him just becuz he said that..he sounds like an asshole.

TempestJones 0

She was dumping him... hence why he said that... duh.

nemohazADDlama 0

well.......... money is tight these days.....

chemqueen20 0

I agree and fyl OP, he was just usin you :(

You misspelled, "I'm going to be a parent really soon."

Prestigex 0

Yo dawg, I heard you like seckz, so I put a condom in your condom so you can **** while you ****.

It doesn't get any funnier on the second or third FMLs.

Prestigex 0

it's what you do when you're bored at school with Internet connection. (:

Prestigex 0

Haha, well hello. I'm in Washington. (:

See, but I live in PA. I was trying to say that I got out of school.

Prestigex 0

What are you doing all the way in Holland?

Vacation. I think, after one more of your comments, we should cease talking, so as not to annoy the other commentors with a huge, unrelated thread.

Prestigex 0

Very well, nice talking to you. I'm about to lose Internet anyway, enjoy your vacation friend!

Ok having sex alot does not mean someone is being used. It means your in a relationship, tard.

Lately, FML has given me a lot of great comebacks for when my girlfriend dumps me. Why are these girls complaining when their boyfriends are cool with getting dumped. If I dumped my girl and she was cool that would be a dream come true. Instead most of them just cry their eyes out and send me on a guilt trip or try to murder me.

I would respond but I'm dead. This is really going to mess up my weekend.