By not_so_sweet_sixteen - 17/03/2009 03:10 - United States

Today, was my sixteenth birthday. I was hoping to get a car. Instead, my parents got me a 3 month membership at the gym so I can lose weight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 495
You deserved it 55 818

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well I don't have a car, OR membership to a gym, and I'm eighteen. I'd be happy with either.

You shouldnt have expected them to give you a car. Youd be pretty lucky if you got a car and its not as if your parents are obliged to give their 16 year old a car. Take the gym membership. Be grateful


YDI. You're spoiled if you expect a car for your 16th birthday if your parents didn't actually tell you that's what they were going to do. I'm almost 22, and I -still- don't have a car--my parents bought my brother one when he was 16 or 17. You're in the middle of ******* high school, you don't need one.

I would never expect my parent's to give me a car -_-

Namaste_fml 2

#44 & #45 & almost everyone else... Honestly, does anyone read. SHE DIDN'T SAY EXPECTING SHE SAID HOPING. I mean, if you don't know the difference pick up a freakin' dictionary. I think any first grader could probably tell you the difference, though, so if you know one, maybe just ask them.

ummmyeahhh 0

Go #37!! In a lot of neighborhoods, it's popular for parents to give you a car for your 16th. Or to help you pay for one. Or to help you get a loan to buy one. I know the only reason my parents gave me a car was so I could drive carpool for my three younger sibs, but it was still a car. If the parents had mentioned it, or if all of her friends had received cars, it's reasonable for her to expect a similar gift. As for the membership, it could be the parents attacking her self-esteem, or it could be a genuine interest in her being healthy, "fat" or not. A lot of times people project their own weight onto other people and think that just because they themselves are heavier, everyone else is too.

Use the money you saved on gas to buy a a bike. At #46 SHE PRBLY STILL REALLY REALLY WANTED ONE OR SHE WOULDN'T HAVE POSTED HERE sheesh no need to shout

kmth79 0

Hey. Anybody who says "you deserve this" needs to GET A LIFE. That is absolutely cruel. F your parents. F going to the gym. You are more than a number on a scale. Other people need to f-ing deal with it; if they don't like the way you look THEY DON'T HAVE TO LOOK AT YOU! Happy belated birthday. AND ROCK ON #37.

Namaste_fml 2

#48 No, freakin' duh. Everyone REALLY REALLY WANTS/WANTED a car for their sixteenth birthday. Still doesn't mean she expected it. She wanted it. Everyone wants their parents to buy them a car. It may not happen, and lots of people don't expect it, but they still want it/hope for it.

so FYL because your parents want you to be healthy and in shape? Sounds a bit spoiled to me.

A gym membership is not an insult. I would LOVE to be signed up for a gym membership although I'm a healthy weight! My parents think that exercising beyond taking a walk is excessive and too much physical strain (and thus will do more damage than good) - which sucks for me, seeing as I love to work out and learn new sports. It's always a struggle for me to get out and train. I think only #18 hinted at the possibility that the OP is not fat. How can we know? We may assume, but assumptions often bite us in the ass (as upwards of 50% of these FMLs should teach us). And being bummed about not getting a car, that's normal. I realize those was merely hopes, but they got shattered. Try to keep level-headed, and take life as it comes. Don't overreact and be upset. Sleep on it, and I'm sure you'll come to realize that life isn't so bad. Your parents got you a thoughtful gift. That doesn't mean they don't love you or think you're fat. If you are very sensitive because you think you are overweight, use that membership, but don't forget to watch your diet. You've been given an opportunity, be happy. Happy Birthday!! It'll be a good year for you.

You probably shouldn't expect that during a recession. Even people who can afford cars aren't buying them. For being a lazy brat, this is what you deserve. Be happy you got anything.