By Anonymous - 13/02/2014 15:47 - United States - Kennett

Today, trying to be a responsible parent, I bought my daughter a pack of condoms in case she ever decided to have sex. She turned them into balloon animals and went back to playing video games. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 506
You deserved it 53 082

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Guess you''ve got nothing to worry about! :) Your daughter sounds awesome.


Hi five....she didn't even get grossed out by the lube? I think the best birth control for teen girls is knowledge. If they see teen boys as the dumbos they are (I went to a mixed school) willingness to down trou is sooo unlikely. The local girls school had four teen pregnancies...gullibles...

skyeyez9 24

So its considered an FML when your daughter isnt interested in sex yet? I'd be happy if I were you!

nhormuss 17

As a jewish orthodox guy who's parents would murder him if they found out he was even talking to girls, I salute you.

Congrats on being a good mom, but just maybe you should have asked your daughter about what role boys and dating occupy in her life first before jumping into things.

she sounds awesome haha! if she needed them she would probably keep a couple just in case :) thats what i would have done when i was younger anyway :P

God forbid a mother wants her daughter to be educated about sex and have protection available! Teaching abstinence doesn't work. If a teen wants to have sex, they will. We should be teaching teens how sex works, the risks involved and how to protect yourself from said risks, not "don't do it, it's bad". You're doing the right thing, OP.

The problem is condoms do have a life span, especially if not stored properly, so if the daughter wasn't having sex in the near future it could do more harm than good.

I really, really want to know the context of this fml. So much so i used really 3 times in this comment. Follow up please :D

Wouldn't responsible mean turning her towards abstinence? I mean the way you're going, it's like you want her to be sexually active. I may not be a parent, but I sure wouldn't buy a condoms or even birth control for my children. They should know better than to do that as teenagers.

Kids will do what they will do, OP is a better parent for recognizing this and not deluding him/herself into thinking otherwise. Best to use some form of protection than the kid not have access to it and end up with a kid they can't raise or an STD. You need to learn how life REALLY is and stop it with the delusions.

Yes because teens totally don't have sex just because their parents want them to stay virgins. What reality do you live in? Is it not better that she provide her daughter with protection in the event that she does want to have sex? So she can avoid pregnancy and disease? Isn't THAT what a parent should do? No? Mkay....sure hope your kids don't get pregnant.

No, a responsible parent get their children protection instead of letting them risk STI's and pregnancy just to teach them a lesson. And why would it be so bad if she is sexually active? It's sex, not homicide. "Teenager" can be anything from 13 to 19, and according to most countries laws, you are old enough at about 16.

Kids who want to have sex won't abstain due to lack of protection. Most adults won't even do that.

insanelyXnikki 18

There's no changing that guy's mind, he even talks about being against pre-marital sex in his bio. Weird...

I foresee teen pregnancies in your children's future. Also, birth control is good for a lot more than birth control. Denying children a medicine if they need it just because it can be used to prevent pregnancy is being a bad and stupid parent on many, many levels.

skipper2009 18

You all do know that condoms/ birth control does not protect against STDs right?

Who told you condem's don't protect against STDs? Because they do, ask any half-compitant doctor.

skipper2009 18

Annalily5 - how about you read the box? Or are you not compitant enough?

You've fallen into the same trap a lot of people fall into when discussing this sort of thing: believing that offering protection and well-cited information equals indifference or permission. On the contrary, providing information is a part of being a responsible parent, not a careless one. It's better for teenagers and adults alike to know that they have options instead of ignorantly leaving them in the dark out of disagreement and risking their safety. We already know that teens will do what they want to do; even as infants, some children will still find ways to hide their antics from their parents. Offering condoms or other prophylactics is not another way of saying, "I don't care about your well-being." The only thing a parent should be worried about is if they have a child who has been well-informed on how females get pregnant and provided information about contraceptives and safe sex and, for some silly reason, still chooses not to use them because they think they're invincible.

I would feel really awkward if my mom gave me condoms.