By Sadginger - 21/12/2015 23:45 - United Kingdom - Redhill

Today, the man I have been in a long-distance relationship with for 2 years told me he has been cheating on me for 6 months, and that he's leaving me for her. I'm due to fly out to see him next week on a non-refundable ticket. He insists that, "we can still hang out, just not have sex". FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 285
You deserved it 2 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lexiieeex3 32

I could just say "you deserve better" but OP that really just sucks. Think of this as a mini vacation. Treat yourself and forget this loser.

Well if you can afford a hotel, make a holiday of it.


Jachin357 28

Did he really have the nerve to say you can come visit and expect you to be friends? What was he doing to do? introduce you to his new girlfriend? You deserve better than that trash OP.

These are the things which makes you stronger

Oh this is terrible. I'm really sorry OP. It's guys like him that make me sick

Cerebral_Origami 5

I agree with those saying make a vacation of it. I wouldn't even see the guy as that would just make for an emotional storm that would ruin the rest of the week. Do your best to have some fun and move on.

Cut his...?! You literally rolled the dice, passed go and didnt even collect $200. Men take note looks can be deceiving. Here we have a beautiful woman who is crazy as ****.

What a douche. I don't understand how people can cheat on someone. It hurts a lot. I'm sorry OP. Hope it gets better!

RitaRenne 21

What a jackass. You need better than someone who'll do that to you. Use that plane ticket and treat yourself to unexplored places and new adventures! Wish you the best!

Instead of seeing him you can go sight seeing if you never been there.

That story unfortunately sounds familiar