By BadAssBandit897 - 23/02/2013 13:46 - Canada

Today, the guy who confessed his love for me also confessed that in his rage, he almost shot the last girl who broke his heart. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 957
You deserved it 2 919

BadAssBandit897 tells us more.

Hey guys, OP here...I can't believe I forgot to log in :P anyways, I decided to be completely honest with the guy and end things. It was a little scary, seeing as he also knows where I live. He was in denial at first, but in the end he accepted that I wasn't interested. I still can't get a good night's rest though...


sirjuice35 11

a bulletproof vest sounds like a good idea.

Run. That's all you can do. Pray and run!

Roses are red, Violets are blue, If you break my heart, I'll shoot you.

I wonder if there is a way to find the other girl? If so, then you have a better chance to get this psycho arrested. Get out while you can, OP!

Jaszzie 6
Obryn 9

At least he didn't think she was an intruder..

"Knock Knock. Who is there? Me, I Kill You"