By BadAssBandit897 - 23/02/2013 13:46 - Canada

Today, the guy who confessed his love for me also confessed that in his rage, he almost shot the last girl who broke his heart. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 957
You deserved it 2 919

BadAssBandit897 tells us more.

Hey guys, OP here...I can't believe I forgot to log in :P anyways, I decided to be completely honest with the guy and end things. It was a little scary, seeing as he also knows where I live. He was in denial at first, but in the end he accepted that I wasn't interested. I still can't get a good night's rest though...


It means that if you're gonna reject/dump him, do it in polite fashion. You don't know his ex's story, so maybe she had it coming.

SApprentice 34

71- ... Are you actually serious, or have I missed some type of sarcasm? You just read that someone almost shot a woman for rejecting him, and you think that the woman may have had it coming? That's kind of messed up. Please don't hurt anyone, okay? Plus, OP should be polite, because people should be polite, but no one should have to be polite out of fear for their life. No woman should ever have to go out of her way trying to appease her male suitors out of fear that her rejection could cause them to kill her.

77, there are many ways to "reject" someone. If that was done politely, the guy is a psycho. If the girl rejected him in very cruel manner (example: publicily mock the guy, slap him on the face, ridicule him, then spread rumors about him amongst her friends), for example, she had it coming. There are many cruel people in the world. If you think there are no cruel *women* in the world, you need to wake up. There's not enough data to judge.

SApprentice 34

120- Dude, listen to yourself. Breaking up with someone in a public place is no excuse to murder them. Having spread a rumor, while morally corrupt, is no excuse for murder. Slapping someone in the face is assault and should be reported the police, but again, it is not an excuse to murder them. You can't just murder someone because you decide that they have disrespected you in some way. Yes, there are cruel women. We all know that. People in general are monsters, but there are different types of monsters. The person who causes a public break up in an attempt to humiliate their partner is bad, but the monster who decides to pick up a gun and murder them for it is much, much worse. I'm honestly frightened for any person that you may date if you consider murder a viable option should they ever hurt your feelings.

129, 1. You haven't noticed "almost". "almost shot her" means he DIDN'T shot her, otherwise he would be in prison. Pretty much everybody wanted somebody to die at least once, so chill out. Bullet wounds do not necessarily lead to death, by the way. 2. As far as I know "break heart" does not mean "reject initial confession" (it may be culture specific). It means "betray or hurt person that is in love with you". 3. "public rejection" is not what I'm talking about. If that's the only thing you could think of, train your imagination more. For example, I personally knew a guy whose girlfriend tried to murder him using poison. Cool, right? (He decided to let it slide, by the way, and didn't press charges) And there was a story on the news when a lover infected person with AIDS on purpose. In short, there are plenty of situation, where pulling the gun would be understandable. People that can't comprehend that are simply too naive, too young, too inexperienced, or lack imagination.

mika1010 5

Umm .. Your boyfriend almost shot someone?

stephkristine 13

I don't think she should run, because that'll make him more angry. But if you guys get into a heated fight like that again, go into like a corner and call the cops so they can save you and no one would get hurt.

Just make him break up with you. Find out what he likes about you, and do the opposite! Just make sure he doesn't catch on...

kinda makes any argument into a clutch moment huh?