By peanutface - 17/12/2010 13:20 - Canada

Today, not only did I miss my bus by seconds, I also saw the bus driver smirking as he drove past me in the middle of the Canadian winter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 352
You deserved it 3 602

Same thing different taste

Top comments

epic_phail 0

this is why I don't take the bus

reaver24 0

what an ass, hope u didn't freeze too bad


xo_xolol 0

Where I live in Canada, by December 17 it's normally -25 degrees Celsius but if you're a real Canadian you get used to it.

your Canadian like me sooo props budday :) oh and next time you see him, tell him I say **** you :p

Canadian winters aren't that cold, compared to other country's... I've lived here my whole life.

immagine that but. with a broken rib and the runs and that is what I went through

megapeyt 17

-bus passes by- What's going on eh? Sorry too good to pass up

Lol Ikr this happened to me in almost the same way last Christmas, as the bus was stoping for a red light about 2 meters away from the stop, I was told if have to run to the next stop to get on. So merry ******* Christmas to u too u asshole bus driver

My busdriver didn't let a girl on in the middle on Winter in Kennebunk Maine. She was banging on the bus door and the bus driver drove off and leaving the girl in the middle of Route 1. Man did the Elementry school kids and the bus driver get an earfull from the father of the girl.